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    Y7 - 9 Curriculum (KS3)

    The formal curriculum is delivered through 25 lessons per week. Each lesson is one hour in duration. We operate a two week timetable making a total of 50 lessons in timetable cycle.

    The Key Stage 3 curriculum covers years 7, 8 and 9. Students pursue the curriculum studying the following subjects:

    • English

    • Maths

    • Science

    • French

    • History

    • Geography

    • Religious Studies

    • Computing

    • Art

    • Music

    • Design and Technology

    • Food

    • Physical Education

    • PSHCE

    During Year 9 students make their GCSE choices for the start of Year 10. For further information please see the Yr 10 - 11 Curriculum (KS4) page. 


    The Right to Withdraw from Religious Education

    Any parent has a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education (RE). If a parent asks for their child to be wholly, or partly, excused from attending any RE at the school, the school must comply unless the request is withdrawn. The school remains responsible for the supervision of any child withdrawn from RE, unless the child is lawfully receiving Religious Education elsewhere. Parents do not need to explain their reasons for seeing withdrawal.

    ​If a parent is wishing to withdraw their child from RE it is kindly requested that they contact the headteacher directly. It is helpful to know the religious issues leading to the request and the practical implications of withdrawal.

    Remote Learning

    In the event of a school closure preventing in-person attendance, we are committed to ensuring the continuity of education through remote learning. Initially, assignments and resources will be provided via Class Charts. If the closure extends beyond one day, we will implement live lessons through Microsoft Teams, where feasible and appropriate, to complement the distributed materials. Recognising the importance of digital access, we will make every effort to support our students in obtaining the necessary internet connectivity and technological devices to participate fully in remote education.