The Church of England, through the Diocese of Salisbury, brings distinctiveness to learning in Sarum Academy. The tradition of the Church of England in bringing education to all is a particular strength. This is allied to a profound belief in the uniqueness of each person.
This belief will ensure that every member of the learning community, whether of developing faith or of none, will be seen and treated as being special and having gifts and skills that must be identified, nurtured and deployed for the benefit of themselves and of their fellow humans.
Governor (Chair) |
Mr James Garforth |
Mrs T Hayzen |
Mr R Clarke |
Mr I Parsons |
Mr M Mineur |
Mr H Gale |
Miss R Brosnan |
Mrs G Wallace-Northridge |
Mr G Jones |
Mr T Anderson | Cover Supervisor | |
Miss C Bishop | Teacher of Science | |
Miss R Brosnan | Assistant Headteacher | Teacher of PE |
Mr M Brundle | CTL Modern Foreign Languages | |
Mrs S Castledine | Teacher of English | |
Miss M Church | Teacher of PE and Science | |
Mr R Clarke | Deputy Headteacher | Teacher of Government & Politics |
Miss L Cochrane | Teacher of Hairdressing | |
Mr D Corcoran | CTL Music | |
Mr A Coultas-Pitman | Teacher of Geography | |
Mr N Cradduck | Teacher of Food Technology | |
Miss K Davies | Teacher of Humanities | |
Mr G Dawson | CTL Maths | |
Miss N Evans | Teacher of Maths | |
Mrs C Farnsworth | Teacher of Food Technology | |
Ms F Fernandez | Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages | |
Mr S Filer | CTL Business and Computing | Head of Sixth Form |
Miss D Formosa | Teacher of Science | |
Mr A Fox | CTL of Psychology | Teacher of Science |
Mrs C Foyle | Academic Mentor | |
Mrs A Fuller | CTL Technology | |
Mr H Gale | Assistant Headteacher | Teacher of History |
Miss G Gough | CTL PE | |
Mrs F Gurung | Teacher of Humanities | |
Ms A Hale | Teacher of English | EAL Support |
Mrs J Hannon | Cover Supervisor | |
Mrs L Hedderwick | Teacher of RE | |
Mr M Hindle | Teacher of PE | Head of Year 10 |
Mrs E James | CTL Health and Social Care and PSHCE | |
Mr M King | Cover Supervisor | |
Mr S Lake | Teacher of Music and RE | |
Mr A Lawrence | Teacher of Art and Photography | Head of Year 8 |
Mr V Mantey | Teacher of Maths | |
Mr S Miller | Teacher of History | Head of Year 9 |
Mr M Mineur | Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo | Teacher of Media |
Mrs N Morgan | Teacher of Maths | Head of Year 11 |
Mrs E Parr | Teacher of Maths | |
Mr I Parsons | Deputy Headteacher and DSL | Teacher of Media |
Mrs A Patrickson | Teacher of DT | |
Mr M Pearce | Teacher of PE | Head of Year 7 |
Miss T Pickering | CTL RE | |
Mr D Podger | CTL Art and Photography | |
Mrs C Pople | CTL Science | |
Mrs A Pritchard | CTL English and Media | |
Mrs P Purdy | CTL Geography and History | |
Miss N Roberts | Cover Supervisor | |
Miss D Rock | Assistant SENDCo / Nurture Programme | Speech & Language Support |
Mrs C Russell | Teacher of Maths | |
Mr L Scoging | Teacher of Humanities | |
Miss M Shields | Teacher of Art | |
Mr G Thomson | Teacher of PE and Computing | |
Miss S Thrasher | Teacher of Geography | |
Mrs G Wallace-Northridge | Assistant Headteacher | Teacher of Maths |
Support Staff