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    Academy Leadership & Staff

    Working in partnership

    The Church of England, through the Diocese of Salisbury, brings distinctiveness to learning in Sarum Academy. The tradition of the Church of England in bringing education to all is a particular strength. This is allied to a profound belief in the uniqueness of each person.

    This belief will ensure that every member of the learning community, whether of developing faith or of none, will be seen and treated as being special and having gifts and skills that must be identified, nurtured and deployed for the benefit of themselves and of their fellow humans.

    Academy Governance Committee

    Governor (Chair)
    Foundation Governor
    Foundation Governor
    Parent Governor

    Mr James Garforth
    Mrs Toni Hayzen
    Mr Frank Pessell
    Mr George Brutton
    Mr Neil Boulton
    Ms Kirstin Coughtrie
    Ms Sarah Hurst
    Mr Craig Haywood

    Senior Leadership Team

    Mrs T Hayzen


    Mr R Clarke
    Deputy Headteacher

    Mr I Parsons
    Deputy Headteacher


    Mr M Mineur
    Assistant Headteacher

    Mr H Gale
    Assistant Headteacher

    Miss R Brosnan
    Assistant Headteacher

    Mrs G Wallace-Northridge
    Assistant Headteacher


    Mr G Jones
    Senior Leader



    Teaching Staff

    Mr T Anderson Cover Supervisor
    Miss C Bishop Teacher of Science
    Miss R Brosnan Assistant Headteacher Teacher of PE
    Mr M Brundle CTL Modern Foreign Languages
    Mrs S Castledine Teacher of English
    Miss M Church Teacher of PE and Science
    Mr R Clarke  Deputy Headteacher  Teacher of Government & Politics
    Miss L Cochrane  Teacher of Hairdressing
    Mr D Corcoran  CTL Music 
    Mr A Coultas-Pitman Teacher of Geography
    Mr N Cradduck Teacher of Food Technology
    Miss K Davies Teacher of Humanities
    Mr G Dawson CTL Maths  
    Miss N Evans Teacher of Maths
    Mrs C Farnsworth  Teacher of Food Technology
    Ms F Fernandez Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
    Mr S Filer CTL Business and Computing Head of Sixth Form
    Miss D Formosa Teacher of Science
    Mr A Fox CTL of Psychology Teacher of Science
    Mrs C Foyle Academic Mentor
    Mrs A Fuller CTL Technology  
    Mr H Gale  Assistant Headteacher Teacher of History 
    Miss G Gough  CTL PE 
    Mrs F Gurung Teacher of Humanities
    Ms A Hale Teacher of English EAL Support
    Mrs J Hannon Cover Supervisor
    Mrs L Hedderwick Teacher of RE
    Mr M Hindle Teacher of PE Head of Year 10
    Mrs E James CTL Health and Social Care and PSHCE
    Mr M King Cover Supervisor
    Mr S Lake Teacher of Music and RE
    Mr A Lawrence  Teacher of Art and Photography Head of Year 8
    Mr V Mantey Teacher of Maths
    Mr S Miller Teacher of History Head of Year 9
    Mr M Mineur  Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo Teacher of Media
    Mrs N Morgan  Teacher of Maths Head of Year 11 
    Mrs E Parr Teacher of Maths
    Mr I Parsons Deputy Headteacher and DSL Teacher of Media
    Mrs A Patrickson Teacher of DT
    Mr M Pearce               Teacher of PE  Head of Year 7
    Miss  T Pickering CTL RE
    Mr D Podger  CTL Art and Photography
    Mrs C Pople CTL Science
    Mrs A Pritchard CTL English and Media
    Mrs P Purdy CTL Geography and History
    Miss N Roberts Cover Supervisor  
    Miss D Rock Assistant SENDCo / Nurture Programme Speech & Language Support
    Mrs C Russell Teacher of Maths  
    Mr L Scoging Teacher of Humanities
    Miss  M Shields  Teacher of Art 
    Mr G Thomson Teacher of PE and Computing
    Miss S Thrasher Teacher of Geography
    Mrs G Wallace-Northridge Assistant Headteacher Teacher of Maths

    Support Staff

    Mrs K Baker Attendance Officer and Student Services
    Mrs S Bonner  PA to Headteacher / Deputy Headteachers
    Mrs T Bonner  Academy Cleaner 
    Mrs A Bradburn Academy Cleaning Supervisor Hospitality Co-Ordinator
    Mrs L Bradley              Teaching Assistant
    Mrs C Caddy  Art Technician 
    Miss E Davis  Pastoral Assistant
    Miss J Dibling  Science Technician 
    Mrs A Dixon  Operations Manager 
    Mrs B Docking              Teaching Assistant
    Mrs T Down Receptionist / Administrative Assistant
    Miss A Durk  Teaching Assistant
    Mrs V Fergusson Art Technician
    Mrs J Ford  Academy Cleaner 
    Mr L Ford Academy Cleaner
    Miss V Foster Pastoral Assistant
    Ms T Gates Teaching Assistant
    Mrs S Gilkes  Teaching Assistant
    Mr N Gulliver  Groundsman / Mini Bus Driver
    Mrs J Hannon Cover Supervisor
    Mr K Harris  IT Technician 
    Mrs M Hawkes Head of Student Welfare
    Miss T Hayes Teaching Assistant
    Mr G Hines  Academy Cleaner 
    Mrs S Hinks Alternative Provision Lead
    Miss G Homebury Teaching Assistant
    Mr D Jones Mini Bus Driver – pm driver
    Mr G Jones  Senior Leader Chief Medical Officer and DofE Lead
    Mrs T Kelly Receptionist / Administrative Assistant
    Mrs P Leyland Teaching Assistant 
    Miss J Magee Teaching Assistant
    Mrs A Mckenney Teaching Assistant 
    Mrs S Mills                Academy Cleaner
    Mrs J Mullett Teaching Assistant
    Mrs D Pearce Assessment and Examinations Officer
    Mr S Pearce Pastoral Intervention Lead
    Mrs M Press  Admin for SEND and Safeguarding 
    Mr K Quaintance Mini Bus Driver
    Miss C Randall Teaching Assistant
    Mr S Rose  Teaching Assistant 
    Mrs Z Russell Student Services Admission and Transition Lead
    Miss C Sanderson  Teaching Assistant 
    Mr M Sanger Site Assistant
    Miss A Sharpe Teaching Assistant
    Mr M Sheehan DT, Food and PE Technician
    Mr A Smith                Network and Facilities Manager
    Mrs S Steggel Assistant SENDCo
    Mrs K Towers-Warner Sixth Form Academic Supervisor
    Miss V Whitney  Academy Cleaner 
    Mr J Wyatt  Site Manager